My left hand is ready for Halloween................
Spent Friday morning in the ER at Murphy Medical. Drove myself to the clinic first at 7:30 to be the first one when the doors opened. Pat, my PA, took one look at the purple bulging infected thumb and commented that he wouldn't touch it, made a call to the surgeon at Murphy Medical, wrote up my transfer papers, and I drove to the hospital ER. It was quite nerve-wracking to lay in the bed imagining how the surgeon was going to numb me and lance the thumb. By the time the doctor arrive to explain the procedure, my blood pressure was up and the thumb was throbbing. Thirty minutes after a happy pill and a pain reliever, I was ready for the surgeon to relieve the pressure and drain the infection. Cliff's mother and sister-in-law, arrived Thursday so he stayed at the house with them because I thought my visit to the clinic at 7:30 would just be for a Rx. He came to the hospital after I told him I was in out-patient waiting for thumb surgery. The splint is to immobilize my thumb and wrist so I won't do too much. How did that doctor know me!!!
Spent Friday morning in the ER at Murphy Medical. Drove myself to the clinic first at 7:30 to be the first one when the doors opened. Pat, my PA, took one look at the purple bulging infected thumb and commented that he wouldn't touch it, made a call to the surgeon at Murphy Medical, wrote up my transfer papers, and I drove to the hospital ER. It was quite nerve-wracking to lay in the bed imagining how the surgeon was going to numb me and lance the thumb. By the time the doctor arrive to explain the procedure, my blood pressure was up and the thumb was throbbing. Thirty minutes after a happy pill and a pain reliever, I was ready for the surgeon to relieve the pressure and drain the infection. Cliff's mother and sister-in-law, arrived Thursday so he stayed at the house with them because I thought my visit to the clinic at 7:30 would just be for a Rx. He came to the hospital after I told him I was in out-patient waiting for thumb surgery. The splint is to immobilize my thumb and wrist so I won't do too much. How did that doctor know me!!!