What disappointingly was going to be a quiet alone Christmas, became an unexpected noisy and comforting Christmas Day.  Matthew, Taelor, with great-grandson Christopher and possibly Mark had planned on spending Christmas with us.  Plans changed when Matthew took a new job and couldn't get enough time off to stay overnight and Mark decided to fly to Florida with his girlfriend, Jen, and spend Christmas with her family.  After we absorbed the news and accepted the idea of a much down-sized dinner,  I decided not to make pies or dessert.  Sunday Barb and Mike arrive in Georgia and the day before Christmas, Barb called and asked what we were doing on Christmas Day. So Christmas Day
Mike and Barb arrived ready to mash potatoes and make gravy.
 Actually, Barb was ready to make gravy.  Mike took pictures of us doing "women's" work.

Mike continued to take pictures of noteworthy events.

Mike doing "women's" work.
Dinner was wonderful and the company behaved quite well.  After the dinner mess got cleaned up, the men sat back in recliners and Barb and I walked up Clay Durrett to see what the rest of the neighbors were doing.

Merry Christmas to all!


Karen Swain said…
I'm so glad Barb made it there. Loved the pictures and it's the first time I've ever seen Mike. That is a sad thing! Enjoy her time with you.
ralph said…
glad you had a great xmas!! happy holidays and happy new year!!

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