55 degree mornings (is there a degree symbol hidden somewhere in computers?)

At 6:25 AM, right on schedule, the hummingbird buzzed by my coffee cup and drank from the little tube feeder at the geranium window box.  Wild turkeys gobbled in the distance.  We don't see them passing through our woods as often, but they do parade their little "gobblets" across the road on lower Boulder Creek.  A few minutes later while putting on my face and doing my hair, I spotted two deer out the bathroom window nibbling fresh green leaves. 
A male and female rose-breasted grosbeak appeared at our feeders a few days ago during the rain.  We've never seen them before so it was quite a thrill to see some new birds. The female doesn't play well with others as she chases other birds off the feeder.
                                                                                 male grosbeak

Dropped by Wayne's yesterday to just buy hot pepper suet, which in theory is supposed to be distasteful to squirrels, and came home with more things to plant including three columbines that attract butterflies and hummingbirds.  Have no idea where to put them yet.  Still have two more dwarf azaleas yet to plant. 

Picked the last of the arugula.  Not crazy over the taste so won't plant that again.  I've never started my own leeks so decided to try this year.  I watched a YouTube and followed the instructions.  You get about about 500 seeds in a packet and the leeks grow very close together twisting their little roots around each other so it's like trying to untangle hangers in the closet.  By the time I was ready to set them in the garden, I think I untangled a thousand little leeks planting them in rows and between the lettuce, cabbages, along the sides of the beets and radishes.  I hated to send any of the leeks to their demise.  Needless to say, if they thrive, the neighbors will find bags of leeks tied to their doorknobs. 

Cliff loves puttering in his radio room.  Just ordered and replaced a tube in his classic Drake TR4. (Whatever that means!)  I enjoy being able to sew, leave the mess, and return to it whenever I'm ready to sew again. 


ralph said…
i love those columbines. almost bought some the other day. let me know how they do attracting humming birds for you. we have one or two HBs here. we see them every day. if jim doesn't get the job on friday, i will buy some columbine to plant here.

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