We went to our doctor Monday for our follow-up and cholesterol check.  I was going to be really depressed if I hadn't lost a few pounds and improved my cholesterol numbers because we've been doing longer walks and making some healthy lifestyle changes.  Cliff's been cutting down on his portion size and eating meatless meals a few time a week.  He never knows what he's eating until after the meal is finished.  Then we critique the new recipe and decide if it's a "keeper" or if it gets crumbled and trashed.  Some recipes use lentils and other legumes and some call for scrambled soy or gimme lean.   The latest recipe is Japanese miso soup, a keeper and  I've added it to my recipe section.  (I'm still learning and editing the buttons from time to time.)

The new numbers were worth the effort and the doctor was pleased with the results.  Cliff dropped 5 lbs and I lost 6 in only about six weeks of discipline and mindful eating.  My HDL was up and the LDL was down with total cholesterol down to a safer range......all without any cholesterol Rx for me.  Cliff's numbers had also improved.  I was so disturbed with BCBS's refusal to pay for a Rx that didn't cause any muscle pain, that I was determined to do it on my own if I could.  Also, watching Mark change his lifestyle and set new healthy goals encouraged me to challenge our way of thinking about food and exercise.  After all, we have the time now so no more excuses...............

The dogwoods have been in full bloom for weeks now and can be seen along the roadside and deep into the woods.   From our back porch, they are scattered throughout the forest and surrounding the vegetable garden.  In a few weeks, the sweet white blossoms will drop and  fresh green leaves will flourish, leaving only memories until next spring. 

We have two resident hummingbirds now, a female and her pugnacious partner.  He seems to follow me where ever I go.  Yesterday I was down in the garden planting cucumbers and he came at me like a B52 bomber.  In the front flower garden as I filled the feeders with safflower seeds, he scolded me from a nearby branch.  I told him he had better watch it because I'm the one who fills his food trough with sweet nectar and plants the foxgloves and other attracting flowers.


ralph said…
love the dogwoods. we lost our dogwoods in the huge storm we had a year ago last winter... miss them.

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