Crisp Morning

We were pleasantly surprised by the temperature this morning when we opened the door to let Max out on the porch at 6:30......a comfortable crisp fifty-seven degrees. Great temperature for our morning mountain walk. Mark will be heading our way from Missouri after work today to spend the long weekend with us. He's registered to run The Firecracker 10K Race Saturday morning here in Murphy. We plan on watching white water rafting and kayaking at the Ocoee Gorge in TN, take in some fireworks displays, and whatever else he wants to do while he's here. And on a more intellectual level............... I have been trying to outdo the squirrels from eating all my bird seeds. Assuming I have a more complex brain than those lesser cranial varmints, I keep concocting new ways to deter them from reaching the feeders. The latest is a thin but strong-gauge wire strung between two trees far enough apart that the squirrels can't jump from the tree trunk to t...