Pea Pickin'

Max and I went down to the garden early this morning.  The air was already heavy and the temperature was about 70 degrees.  We are suppose to hit mid 90's again today.  While I picked the peas, Max relaxed in the cool damp clay between the pea rows.  The deer and I have this competition going on and so far I'm ahead.
There were more than this but I ate some while I picked.  They're crisp and sweet fresh off the vine.

I think there is an invasion of the leaf-chompers in the garden.  The pepper plants and the rhubarb have large chew-holes.  This morning I made a mixture of cheap canola oil and soapy water and poured it over the leaves.  We'll see what happens.  Still using the beer to eradicate the snails on the cabbage, but every morning the beer is practically gone.  There are some very content forest animals staggering around in the night.


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