It's been one week since I got off the Rx to help get my inflammation under control and so far I like who I am and what I am able to do.  My left wrist probably has inflammation damage because it is tender but if I behave myself my hand shouldn't fall off.  The right shoulder is also tender but I haven't lifted any pianos or moved any mountains so life is good.  I always feel wonderful after my Monday, Wednesday, Friday Pilates and yoga classes when the endorphins are high.

Last Friday I planted fall spinach, bok choy, beets, and a row of leaf lettuce.  Everything is starting to pop through the clay soil.  The fall garden is much smaller than the spring garden.  Picked a nice batch of fresh kale this afternoon for our New Bedford Portuguese Kale Soup for tonight supper.
Also, dug up the first pound of potatoes.
Digging potatoes thrills me.  The plants keep you in suspense.  You just don't know how many potatoes you may find under each plant.  Nature just keeps coming up with such awesome surprises!

I'm thinking my next adventure will be to make my own fruity wines.


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