The Sunday Paper
Where have I been?? When did Dagwood start texting?? Boy, it's been longer than I thought since we've bought the Sunday paper!! In Florida we had the heavy mass of Sunday paper delivered. We each read only the pages that were of interest to us, then discarded the papers into the recycle bin like so many other people did. When we first moved here, we missed our routine, our habit of reading the paper and strewing it all over the floor. But papers aren't delivered at the doorstep in our neck-of-the-woods so to try and create that "Sunday read-the-paper-and-throw-them-on-the-floor" feel, it became an effort. We had to drive out to the little convenience store in Ranger or go to the Hot Spot, purchase the Chattanooga Times or the Asheville Citizen Times or if you really wanted to read about big-time crime and murders, the Atlanta Journal. We did that for awhile. I only read the comics, the living section, and cut the coupons, and lately cut less and less because the coupons are for prepared foods or products that we will never use. Cliff read the front page news and the pages where the article continued. When we lived in Florida, he would read the sports section to keep up with Meddock. Sometimes he read the financial section. Many pages of the paper lay on the floor unread..... At some point we quit buying the paper because it didn't fulfill that need anymore......and we didn't miss it. Probably if we could get some poor sap to deliver up here, we might start up again..........or not. Life is full of wonderfully surprising changes. What a difference from one week ago. Today the high temperature was 50 degrees! and sunny, not a cloud in the sky............normalcy......for now.
NON SEQUITUR by Wiley (this Sunday)
Wise sage: "Everything we think is of utmost importance in our youth becomes insignificant as we grow older........and everything we thought was insignificant and tossed aside when we were young, losing it forever, was really the most important."
Young foolish advice seeker: "So you're saying life is an endless string of disillusions?"
Wise sage: "Pretty much."
Young foolish advise seeker: "Great! Now how am I suppose to go on with my life knowing that?"
Wise sage: "I found moving into caves helps."
NON SEQUITUR by Wiley (this Sunday)
Wise sage: "Everything we think is of utmost importance in our youth becomes insignificant as we grow older........and everything we thought was insignificant and tossed aside when we were young, losing it forever, was really the most important."
Young foolish advice seeker: "So you're saying life is an endless string of disillusions?"
Wise sage: "Pretty much."
Young foolish advise seeker: "Great! Now how am I suppose to go on with my life knowing that?"
Wise sage: "I found moving into caves helps."