Blah....reading directions!

When I was teaching, I expected my students to read directions before beginning any activity.  I stressed reading step-by-step, slowly, and then rereading again if needed.  Blah!  I hate reading directions.  When I first learned how to sew I was around 9 or 10.  If I could see the finished project first, then I could break it down and build or sew whatever I needed to make.  The directions for sewing included diagrams so in most cases I only had to resort to reading if I couldn't figure out a step by the illustrations.  Even now in everyday life, I still assemble projects by the illustrations or by handing the written directions to Cliff to figure out.  I still have that mental block.  Since I've retired and my brain isn't "fried" or mushy, I've been tackling "reading and following directions."  Not an easy task for me, but a personal accomplishment.  Today I discovered how to add buttons and new pages to my blog.  It'll be a slow work in progress.  As you've probably seen, one of the buttons is Recipes.  Now I need to research how to get my recipes on those pages or do I have type them all over again.

I just realized I don't know how to get back into those buttons to add text!  Time to research...............


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