Welcome Spring!

Spring is here!  It's time to fling open the windows and feel the crisp morning air.  Time for rebirth.  Sit quietly with the rebirth that is happening around you.  Feel it in your heart and your breath.  Winter has officially come to an end...............but don't hold your breath.  Locals tell us there is still the possibility of a last freak snow storm in April.  The year Bill and Boni visited us,early April 2009, to help build our shed, the temperature was in the 70's before they arrived.  A freak white-out snowstorm passed through with temps in the 30's and on the day they left, the sun came out and temperatures returned to 70's again.

Clouds moved in and temperatures began dropping.
End of the first day.
The next morning.  And it snowed off and on all day as they finished the shell of the shed.
  Today is predicted to be unusually warm, about 80 degrees.  I've been adding vegetables to the garden and today will plant the carrot seeds.  Right now have sweet peas, yellow and green beans, beets, radishes, white & red potatoes, red & green cabbages, spinach, kale, 3 types of lettuce, rainbow Swiss chard, onions and garlic.  Everyday I go down and check to see if the beans or peas are popping through the soil yet.  No sign of the earth cracking so yesterday I had a firm talk with them. It's only been a week.   Nights are still cool so it may take 10-12 days to germinate.  I still have lots of room for more seed and have a spot reserved for my herbs.  Of course, when things are ready to be harvested, I'll be like a one-man band, trying to orchestrate the picking, canning, freezing, and giving away.  Until then, I'll just enjoy.................


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