It's windy and cold on the mountain today.  Our temperature was 46 when we got up this morning and it's 38 now at 3:30 pm.  This is what March was like four years ago when we spent a long weekend here running from the realtor's truck to vacant unheated houses.  I was chilled to the core.  Steve took us up mountain roads where only Sherpa should travel.  That weekend was quite an adventure.

Cliff is home safely from his trek to Massachusetts and dodged the approaching flooding rains and thunderstorms.


ralph said…
glad he got home safely and now hoping for a peaceful year and excellent garden. :)
Betsy said…
surprisingly, he is enjoying the garden. i had raked half the garden in two days, picking up rocks and roots and this afternoon when he got back from a call, he finished the other half. we're ready to put down the lime and the mushroom mulch.

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