I had a firm talk with the bean rows this morning and told them if they didn't rear their little heads in the next couple of days, they were gone.  Guess they believed me.

At 7:20 tonight we went down to the garden to see if anything happened after the 80 degree day we had.  The yellow beans popped through the soil right on schedule.  They're lucky.
Chinese cabbage
Rainbow Swiss Chard

We're due for thunderstorms tomorrow afternoon then  37 degrees on Thursday night. 
A shot of the "super moon."
This was still quite a sight at 6 AM Sunday.  Max and I took our coffee out on the porch and sat for awhile in awe.   The porch lit up and the moon cast quiet shadows through the woods. 


ralph said…
i have garden envy. :( we haven't even cleared a tree or bought a seedling.

of course, we woke to an inch of snow this am, so maybe that's a good thing?

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