We went to Lowe's yesterday for nails,storage bins, and some electrical supplies. Lowe's is beginning to set up their spring gardening teasers. Seeds and bulbs are on display. Shelves are cleared of the Christmas merchandise to make room for incoming spring supplies. I bought basil seeds and a mix of different lettuces to start and put in my sunny windows. I know I'm jumping the gun, but it gave me spring fever. Now we're in for another round of snow. So we'll hit Ingles today and get more cat food, then of course, more litter to go with that, milk, wine, etc. Cliff bought more gas for the generator, chains for the truck, and we'll put the red car down at the bottom of the road again so we can get out if we need to. Sunday night after 8 PM is the targeted time according to Jim Cantore. Last week I bought a dozen mysteries from Twice Upon A Time, our new-and-used bookstore. Some lady had just brought in her collection of The Cat Who........ mysteries by Lilian Jackson Braun and I bought all the ones I haven't read yet. This lady is recycling most of her paperback collection from decades of reading and saving and has earned $400 in store credit!!!! That's like hitting the lottery! We'll cocoon again and see what this storm brings.
stay warm and safe.