Thursday Morn

emptied the camera and playing with my colors and settings
Just some shots of the day lilies opening in the woods garden.

appreciating how the light falls on objects

most of my cooking herbs were grown from seed and did very well, did better than the poor veggie garden.

my cooking herbs
a friend of Cliff's who is a volunteer firefighter with him at stations 17 and 25, works at the NC Extension Service, gave us these olive or pickle barrels to use for my gardening. Cliff cut them in half with the trusty sawzall (sp???).
barely thriving watermelon and pumpkin plants
compost heap....thriving quite well......

Maxine watched this friendly garden snake slither off into the woods.

"what the heck's up with the garden?"
remains of the garden....pepper plants and tomatillo plants died, tomatoes sadly gotten beaten in the hail
Cliff practicing his knots for the ladders course.


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